ASME BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 2: Design & Fabrication of Pressure Vessels

About This Course
This introductory course describes the use of alternative rules for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels given in ASME BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 2.
This course offers a deep insight into the benefits of applying these alternative rules. The course presents a brief history and background for these rules and introduces the new Class 1 and Class 2 vessel types by explaining their differences regarding their design and construction. Participants are introduced to the materials, design, fabrication, toughness, examination, inspection, testing and certification requirements with a detailed discussion making these concepts easier to grasp.
The course provides a high-level overview of the Code that prepares participants for the more advanced courses on topics such as design by rule, design by analysis, fatigue analysis, fracture mechanics and fitness-for-service leading to a broader understanding and mastery of these concepts.
Learning Objectives
Material Includes
- Material will be available on student dashboard. Access to ASME Code will be available during course duration through
- To take this course you should have a personal computer, Web browser, Internet connection, and software to display PDF files (such as Adobe Reader).
Target Audience
- This is an essential course for individuals involved with design, analysis, fabrication, purchasing, repair, and inspection of pressure vessels, as well as supervisory and regulatory personnel. Although some knowledge of design and fabrication of pressure vessels is desirable, no previous experience is required for attending this course. Both beginners and experienced personnel involved with pressure vessels will benefit from this course.